Malta starthistle

Centaurea melitensis full plant

Full plant

Max Lichter

Common Name(s)
Malta starthistle
Napa starthistle
Scientific Name
Centaurea melitensis
Sunflower or Aster family (Asteraceae)
Reasons for concern
Malta starthistle is an adaptable, quick growing plant that outcompetes native species. It is also toxic to horses.

Botanical description

Bushy annual rosette with a tall, branching wiry stems
Young plant is a lobed basal rosette. 1-5 inch long oblong leaves, with larger lower leaves having lobed margins. Most leaves have small, prickly hairs
Up to 3 feet tall branching stems covered with gray prickly hairs
Spiny, yellow disked flowers comprise the flower head and look similar to Yellow starthistle. The base is ½ - 2 inches wide, egg shaped, and covered in cobweb-like hairs. The bract below is brownish purple with brownish purple spines.
Dry, light brown cypselae with white or light brown hairs
Deep taproot
Native to
Where it grows
Disturbed areas like roadsides, lots, pastures, and open fields.
By seed
Weedy Characteristics
Malta starthistle prolifically produces seeds that can remain dormant underground for up to 3 years. These seeds can be spread by wind, water, animals, or people. The plant can adapt to a wide variety of environmental conditions, making it outcompete native plants
Look-alike Plants

Desert thistle (Cirsium neomexicanum) can be distinguished by its wider, flatter white to purple flower and thinner stems and leaves. The base of the flower is also flatter and wider.

Control Strategies
Hand pulling is very effective, but when the plant is seeding, it can be bagged and removed to make sure new plants dont grow. Herbicides like 2-4 D, aminopyralid, transline, dicamba, and glyphosate should be applied before flowering.