Field Guide to Forest and Mountain Plants in Northern Arizona. 2009. Spinger, J.D., M.L. Daniels, and M Nazaire. 2009. Ecological Restoration Institute, Northern Arizona University.
How to Eradicate Invasive Plants. 2013. Chace, T.D. Timber Press, a division of Workman A Division of Workman Publishing, Portland, OR.
Native Plants for High-Elevation Western Gardens. 2010 (2d edition). Busco, J. and N.R. Morin. 2003. Fulcrum Publishing. Boulder, CO.
Plants of Arizona: A Field Guide. 2012 (2nd edition). Epple, A.O. 2012. Falcon Guides, Guilford, Connecticut.
Plant Identification Terminology: An Illustrated Glossary. 2nd edition. Harris, J.G. and M.W. Harris. Spring Lake Publishing, Spring Lake, Utah.
Range Plant Handbook: A Field Guide to the Plants of Babbitt Ranches and Coconino Plateau. 2015. Goodwin, Greg. Babbitt ranches, LLC, Flagstaff, Arizona.
Weeds of California and Other Western States. 2007. DiTomaso, J.M. and E.A. Healy. University of California Publication 3488.
Weeds of the West. 2002. Whitson, T.D. (editor). University of Wyoming, Jackson, Wyoming.
Wildflowers and Other Herbaceous Plants of Utah Rangelands: A Field Guide. 2013. Banner, R., M. Pratt, J. Bowns, and C. Feid. Utah State University, Utah.
Web Resources
Fact Sheets
Common Weeds of the Yard and Garden: a guidebook. Utah State University Cooperative Extension. 2011.
Grasses and Grasslike Plants of Utah: A Field Guide. 2011 (2d edition). Banner, R., M.Pratt, and J. Bowns. Utah State University Extension, Utah.
Non-Native Invasive Plants of Arizona. 2019 (2d edition). Gornish, E.S. and Howrey, L.D. (editors). University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
Image Galleries
Calphotos. Plants. University of California at Berkeley.
SEINet Image Library. SEINet Arizona-New Mexico Chapter.
Weed Images. The Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health. University of Georgia
Weed photo gallery. Introduction - find a weed tool. University of California Integrated Pest Management. This site offers a very useful guide to using leaf shapes to identify plants.
Weed photo gallery. University of California Integrated Pest Management
XID Services: Weed identification. Richard Old.
Forest Restoration for Homeowners. A Guide for Residents of Southwestern Ponderosa Pine Forests. 2007. Minard, A. and P. Friederici (editor). Ecological Restoration Institute, Northern Arizona University.
Invasive Non-native Plants that Threaten Wildlands in Arizona. A categorized list. 2005. Arizona Wildlands Invasive Plant Working Group.
Invasive plants. U.S. Forest Service
Restoring Native Plants and Landscapes. A Guide for Residents of Southwestern Ponderosa Pine Forests. 2004. Minard, A. and P. Friederici (editor). Ecological Restoration Institute, Northern Arizona University.
Soil solarization for gardens and landscapes. University of California Integrated Pest Management.
Local Resources
The Arboretum of Flagstaff. Visitors can view horticultural collections and rare plant specimens native to the Colorado Plateau, nestled among historic buildings in a natural setting.
Coconino County Extension Office.
Coconino County Master Gardener program.
Flagstaff Native Plant & Seed plant search. Find plants suitable for Flagstaff soil and climate.
Garden in Flagstaff. A website whose unique feature is its collection of Flagstaff area microclimate maps including temperature, precipitation, and wind.
Gardening tips from the Arboretum of Flagstaff.
The Gardens of the Museum of Northern Arizona. Visitors can view “living exhibitions” of plants native or well-suited to the Colorado Plateau and learn how these plants are used in ecological restoration, landscaping, animal habitat and for traditional arts or foods.
Terra Birds. Empowering youth through gardening.
Willow Bend Environmental Education Center. Provides education outreach services that build environmental awareness and an ethic of responsible stewardship of our natural and cultural resources.