Become a Weed Warrior

Weed warriors in the Ten-Mile Allotment in Utah's Tushar Mountains

Weed warriors in the Ten-Mile Allotment in Utah's Tushar Mountains removed thousands of Mullein and Musk thistle.

Image credit: Grand Canyon Trust

  1. Plant only native and non-invasive plants, so you don’t contribute to the problem.
  2. Become familiar with local invasive species and remove them from your landscape
  3. Pull populations before they spread.
  4. Use the proper techniques for removal; sometimes pulling weeds encourages more seed germination. (Step down any loose soil.)
  5. Keep your vehicles and pets out of weed patches to prevent spreading weed seeds, burs or spines onto your property and surrounding areas. These can cause physical injury to other vehicles, livestock and people
  6. If you are building a home, ask the builder to disturb as little of the land as possible. Rope off the areas not to be disturbed. Protect trees from damage.
  7. If native vegetation is removed from your property, possibly during home construction, re-vegetate with native plants immediately before non-natives can get established.
  8. Clean hiking boots, camping gear, and off-road vehicles before and after going into a natural area.
  9. Volunteer for organized efforts to remove and control invasive species.
  10. Support organizations that work against invasive species.
  11. Educate your friends about the website and the importance of reducing invasive plants in their home landscape.  
  12. Ask your political representatives to support invasive species eradication.
  13. Write a letter about invasive species to the newspaper.
  14. Become a Master Gardener
  15. Join the Arizona Native Plant Society